The Desktop Table App


We are excited to announce the long-awaited
Desktop Table App!
For Windows and Mac
A free gift to the Bride of Christ

This exciting and powerful new app will allow you to use your desktop computer the way you’ve enjoyed using your mobile app.

The Table for your desktop computer has been available from VGR since 2002. The 19-DVD set contained The Table search engine, all the sermon audio in MP3 format, all the sermon booklet text, and a few other additions. This enabled the Bride to search the prophet’s words, and download his sermons from the DVD onto a computer and, as technology progressed, a mobile device such as an MP3 player or smart phone.

In 2013, we launched The Table apps for both Android and Apple devices, and they were subsequently downloaded by about 50 thousand believers around the world. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a desktop app that matches your mobile app? The waiting is over, and we are now able to give it to the Bride free-of-charge!

Here are a few of the features:

Search, download, and email quotes.
Highlight, include your own notes, search your highlights.
Listen to a sermon and follow along in the text while listening.
Subtitle allows playing sermons and projecting the text during church services.
Click on a quote and start the audio from that spot.
The desktop and mobile apps, as well as the version, look and function the same.
The new apps allow us to make improvements by simple internet downloads, without sending out costly DVDs.
Download the desktop app on
It’s FREE!

How to get the app

The desktop version can be downloaded at these links:

macOS Windows

There are also new updates for The Table mobile apps (iOS and Android) that have updated text, a few bug fixes, and almost all the sermons are now subtitled which, among other things, means the text will scroll along with the audio. If you do not yet have The Table on your mobile device, download The Table app on the App Store or Play Store, or scan this QR code (right from your computer screen). Apple devices can scan the QR code with the device’s camera, Android devices can scan the code with a QR app.

Along with the desktop version and the mobile app, we have also updated The Table search program on Now all the different applications look and function the same.
