Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand (Revelation 1:3). In this age where intellectual works, cinema and music have set a new historic standard, we cannot keep ourselves from saying that this prophecy is more than the truth.

The pressure of work or studies brings a well known embarrassment of reading or hearing scientific reviews and shows on one hand and religious works (Bible, brochures and tapes in our case) on the other hand. We all know very well as promised by the Bible that many will read (are already reading ) and the knowledge shall increase, we are witnessing an explosive revolution of the technology giving us access to all the resources. We often see Message churches directly or indirectly participating in the creation of a digital content or offering to their members infrastructures to use this data while having a website or using Hi-Tech during services or for administration was criticised in and out few years ago. For years now, reading or listening to a preaching, researching on a topic in the Message, sharing a testimony or a prayer request beyond geographic borders is facilitated by technology improvement, and everyone should pay more attention to this for : more shall be required from whomever received more.

You used to ride in the ox cart, your great-grandfather, when he went to see grandmother. Dad went to see mother in a T-model. But now we almost go in a jet plane. See, we’re moving on; science, moving on; education is moving on; the Gospel, moving on. And the Bible said they would, said, “They’ll run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” So that’s the joint. That’s the reason there’s… (54-0515 – Questions And Answers)

VGR memory card, Agapao Tablet, Table App, VGR website and all the facilities they offer are few of many works that contributed to the eye-opener and help strongly believe that the Bride is ONE and will talk the same language one day soon. These research and innovative works achieved by these brothers and sisters working for the Kingdom deserve a lot of merits. Here is an article to thank all the beloved contributing to the building of this work, without forgetting those working behind the scenes and those with a burning desire to serve more.

written in French by Gautier Bantambe

Translated in Englisgh by Élie-Jonathan Kabamba