Here is the year 2017!


Here is the year 2017! 365 days representing 8760 hours have elapsed. We have wonderfully spent them in your company. This is the opportunity for us to once more again say to you: Thank you, Merci, Matondo, Aksanté, Twasakidila.

This is at the same time the opportunity for us to renew our trust toward you, while hoping that, despite all failures and shortcomings that may be attached to every work done by human beings, you have appreciated the work that has been done during the year 2016. You have been many to accompany us by your multifaceted supports, your comments and suggestions. All this has contributed to the growth of our experience in this cumbersome task that we have chosen to accomplish for the bride.

Our heartfelt thanks to all our beloved, colleagues and associates all around the world who had spared no effort in order to rise to the daunting challenges faced during the year. We pray that the Lord Jesus-Christ reward you with his blessings a hundredfold.

An English version of your site, new services (…….), as well as a mobile app of your site are things among others, which will resume the year 2016. We are truly grateful to our God and we give thanks to Him who has been with us until now.

A new year certainly means new challenges too! Therefore, we aim to confidently face them together with you, devoted again to do much better, serve better, in order for us to be better servants, better disciples, better worshipers, better Christians, better in everything.

May this year carry away all failures and shortcomings which in one way or another, marred the work we have chosen to do.

Happy New Year 2017 to all of you. May God richly bless you and may his coming fill your heart with joy.

Rich. Kabeya