East Léa Tabernacle in Zimbabwe has a new pastor.


More than a year, after the going home of its founder and pastor Hama Blessing Chesa, East Lea Tabernacle of Harare in Zimbabwe; the church that was being led so far by the interim pastor, brother Nyararai Makwinye, has now elected on Sunday 2nd June a new pastor in the name of Blessing Manyeche.The election was cheered by the believers thanking God for His leadership.

Who is Blessing Manyeche, the new pastor of East Lea Tabernacle?

Brother Blesssing Manyeche’s christian pilgrimage started in 1988 when a school mate testified to him in the first year of secondary school. What captivated him were the words of the Angel to the prophet: do not drink, smoke or defile your body in anyway for there is a work for you to do when you get older. Strangely he recalled his grade 4 teacher in 1984 saying these words while expounding on a point in one of the class lessons.
After school he relocated to Harare and again the friend who testified to him recommended him to attend and fellowship at Eastlea tabernacle.
After a considerable time of prayer the church chose on 19 May to proceed choosing its pastor using the ballot method ahead of raising of hands that is normally used on placing of deacons.

On 26 May, a week before the election date, the church was asked to nominate its preferred candidate and 19 names appeared and the top 5 became the candidates. The following Sunday the church cast votes & brother Blessing Manyeche came top with 69% Of the total votes.

In 2010 God called him to serve his children as a deacon. No sooner than later he was appointed to the position of the deacon & trustees board Secretary….the positions he held until 2 June 2019

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