Cub Corner Magazine In Brazil School

brazil school cub corner

Our Brazil office sent us this testimony of the Cub Corner magazine being distributed in a public school.

Greetings in Christ!

Some time ago a pastor from the City of Carpina in northeastern Brazil contacted us, requesting Cub Corner material to help a work that his wife does with the non-believing children of a public school. We knew this would encourage them to continue fighting in this battle. The seeds are being planted.

We sent some copies to her. See below her testimony and the pictures of the children.

My precious brothers, greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Sister Graça and I am the wife of pastor Jose from Pernambuco. I made a request for the Cub Corner magazines to work with the children at a school where I work as a coordinator. Our school takes in children from three to eight years old, but I have chosen children of five, six, seven, and eight years old, as they are entering the world of writing in more depth. They loved the little magazine and its stories; at every turned page we could see in their faces, the curiosity and the pleasure of discovering something new and true. I want to thank God first for giving me this opportunity to spread His Word to our little ones and also to the Voice of God Recordings for fulfilling my request by providing this material that has been a blessing in the hands of our children in the world. May God reward you always. Below are some pictures of the moments of our experiences (with the children).