A Trophy Of God’s Grace


And our little Methodist preacher brother, Brother Collins, another trophy of God’s grace.

57-1222 The Great Shining Light

It is with heavy hearts that we announce our dear Brother Willard Collins has gone to be with the Lord. Our hearts may be heavy, but we up lift our voices in praise that God’s loyal servant has received his reward.

Brother Branham said, “The shepherd feeds the sheep on sheep Food. You know what sheep Food is? The Word of God.” Brother Collins took the prophet’s words seriously when he was voted in as pastor of the Branham Tabernacle more than 40 years ago. Like an old oak tree that has stood through countless storms, he never wavered in feeding the Message of the hour to the sheep at the Tabernacle. The road wasn’t always easy. He received plenty of criticism for playing the tapes over those decades, but if you ever met our brother, then you know that he always put Brother Branham’s ministry over his own. In fact, Brother Collins’ whole ministry was pointing the people to Jesus Christ through the ministry of Malachi 4.

For those of us who live here in Jeffersonville, we knew a man that never missed a trip to the hospital to comfort the sick. He always answered his phone to counsel those in need. He had a great sense of humor, and loved to tell light-hearted stories. He baptized hundreds in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And most of all, Brother Collins followed Brother Branham’s instructions by putting his Message before the people. He played the tapes!

I said that so many times; these tapes goes only…I’m speaking to my congregation, brother. I’m not responsible for what God give you to shepherd; I’m responsible for what kind of Food I feed these people. This is for this tabernacle only. See? Now, if the people want to listen to the tapes, that’s up to them. But I’m speaking to what God has give to me. It was their sins that was omitted.

65-0822M Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word

He served as a deacon for Brother Branham, an associate pastor to Brother Neville, and then long-time pastor of the Tabernacle. He loved the prophet and he loved the Message. The following quote may not mention him by name, but we thought it described him well.

And the real shepherd leads the sheep. Oh, brother. A real shepherd feeds the sheep the right kind of food, if he loves the sheep. And the sheep food… You say, “Brother Branham, what is it?” It isn’t intellectual. It isn’t go away to school and get an education. That’s all right, but that isn’t it. The shepherd feeds the sheep on sheep Food. You know what sheep Food is? The Word of God. That’s right. “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” That’s sheep Food.

57-0325 The Lamb And The Dove

Brother and Sister Collins

Brother Collins, thank you for feeding the sheep with genuine sheep Food. Rest well, thou good and faithful servant.