After 16 years of marriage without children, the couple Jacques Mbuyi lives a miracle.

couple Jacques & Twins

16 years waiting and finally here comes the goodness. Good news, big testimony, to vindicate once more that God is real in our lives. Pastor Jacques Mbuyi is now father, not of one, but of two. His wife Ruth Mbuyi has given birth to twins, a boy and a girl, on Friday the 27th of January in a Johannesburg clinic. Very quickly, the picture of the newborns was shared early morning on WhatsApp and Facebook networks. The news has brought thrill and emotions to some witnesses of the heavy trial this couple went thru for more than a decade. In Johannesburg, more precisely at El Shalom Tabernacle, the joy was really high, every believer personally thanked God for the miracle He fulfilled in their pastor’s life.

The twins bear, already, each one a name. The boy is named BinJadi Barutti and the girl Eureka Nganda. The mother is in perfect shape and will soon leave the maternity. According to our sources, reverend Louis Panzu is on his way, for the dedication of the babies in few days.

Pastor Jacques Mbuyi himself expressed his gratitude to the Lord for this great blessing and wholeheartedly thanked every child of God who supported them in prayers, particularly pastor Baruti Kasongo who offered a prayer of faith on their behalf last April. We dare believe that this testimony shall bring reassurance to all the couples going thru the same trial, for Jesus Christ never change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Article written in French by Billy Omeonga
Translated in English by Elie Johnathan Kabamba